Don't get me wrong. I talk to my mother almost every day, and I do text my sister and brothers fairly regularly. It's almost like I'm there... except I'm not. Getting the opportunity to see my adorable nephews, getting the chance to play board games with my siblings, being able to have dinner with my family as a whole... I really have missed that.
I have one sister and two brothers. And you can look long and hard for the rest of your life and you'd be hard pressed to find four more different people on the planet than the four of us. There have been a number of times over the years where I'm not quite sure how any of us are related to the each other.
From our world views to our religious beliefs, none of us are alike. And when we *do* get together, we may be older, but those old sibling rivalries come blazing right back without missing a beat.
Believe it or not, my sister and I are still having the same argument we've been having for the last 35 years. It involves whether or not I told her to "do something" to herself (which ended in her lodging a holly berry up her nose and having to go the emergency room) or whether I told her to "wait in the waiting room" as we were playing doctor's office with my friend Tricia. Specifically, we were playing dentist's office, which I remember clearly as I was concocting fluoride treatment out of Lawry's seasoning salt and water. (Yes, it is disgusting... but as we were playing dentist, there would be no reason for me to tell her to stick a holly berry up her nose, but I digress.) As crazy as that sounds, there's a comfort in that old bickering, a familiarity that can never be experienced with anyone else.
I know their strengths and weaknesses and they know mine. I know which buttons to push to send one of them into orbit and they know the fastest way to make me lose my temper. They know all my childhood secrets and I know theirs. And I love the three of them with all my heart.
So, if you are fortunate enough to see those crazy people who are your siblings this holiday season, give 'em extra tight squeeze. I wish I could be with mine, but no matter how far away I am, I know I'm forever in their hearts and they are forever in mine.
And if you're an only child (which I was for five glorious years until the rest of those people came along) you will not have to argue over who gets the wishbone this week, or why it's not your turn to sit at the kiddie table, or that you did NOT tell your sister to stick a holly berry up her nose for the three millionth time.
No matter how or who you're celebrating Thanksgiving with, I hope it is a most joyous occasion!
With Christmas right around the corner, I am offering an audiobook copy of LADY PATIENCE'S CHRISTMAS KITTEN to be drawn randomly. As Lady Patience knows a thing or two about siblings (she's a triplet with two older half-brothers) I thought her story would make a most appropriate giveaway.
To be eligible for the drawing, tell me about your siblings, if you have them. And if you're an only child (who never had to argue over bathroom time or whose turn it was to put the dishes away) tell me about your favorite Thanksgiving memory!
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