Write what you know and know what you write. As an author, I’ve heard that my entire
life. But some things, the things that
are the hardest to write about, are the things you know the best. They’re also
the hardest things to share with the world because they’re so personal. You
have to go to a place in your heart you don’t like to visit and tap into
something you’d rather forget.

I could have scrapped that idea and started over with
someone else; but in my heart I really, REALLY wanted Miss Theresa Birkin to
have a happy-ever-after. Tessie deserved a happy-ever-after. She deserved so
much more than she’d received up to that point. She isn’t so much my most
flawed heroine as she is my most careful. She’s had no choice but to be so,
however. You see, she made the mistake of falling for a rake and ruined her life in the process.
I know what that feels like. To make decisions based on
promises and then have the rug and my carefully planned life ripped out from
beneath me. And I’m intimately familiar
with silver-tongued liars. Don’t get me
The catalyst for the Christmas Pact Anthology collection (A
PACT BETWEEN GENTLEMEN and A GENTLEMEN’S PACT) is that 6 gentlemen make a pact
to remain bachelors after the death of their friend. You see, Lord Arrington,
their friend (of the philandering silver-tongued variety) was caught cheating
by his wife and then promptly murdered by her with the help of her fire poker.
The 6 gentlemen in question feel the best way to avoid the same end to their lives is to
simply to avoid marriage in the first place. But you know what they say about the best-laid plans (or pacts, as the
case may be)…
I posted the dedication to this book on my Facebook page the day the book was released, but I’d like to share it here as well…
For every woman out there who has been
cheated on or abandoned ~ A few years ago, my husband of 12 years told me he
was leaving me for another woman. I know I’m not a novelty in that regard, but
when you’re going through a situation like that, you certainly feel like you
are. So as unseemly as it is to admit, I do feel a little kinship for Lady
Arrington and her fire iron. While I could never harm anyone myself, I
certainly understand the emotions that could lead one to that place.
At the time, I had some wonderful friends
who promised to help me hide the body should I decide to “knock him off” (in
jest, of course). But their friendship, their commiseration, their support
helped me through the most difficult time in my life, and I will always love
them for it. Every woman should be as lucky to have such wonderful, devoted,
and loyal friends. Had Lady Arrington
had friends like mine, I’m certain she wouldn’t have ended up in Newgate
I am here to say, however, that as hard as
it is to believe when you’re recovering from that sort of betrayal, there
really are some decent and truly good men out there. I am honored to know a
number of them. And after rising from my ashes, I am very fortunate to have
found an honorable hero of my own.
Though Lord Berkswell isn’t the soft, cuddly
sort – and flawed, though he is - Berks is decent and a truly good man who
cares for and loves his family with all his heart. I hope you’ll love him as
much as I do.
I am a baby, in that every time I read that dedication I cry. I hate to admit that, but it's true. Try as I might, I can never forget the betrayal and utter shock that went through me when my then-husband told me he was leaving me and for whom - a woman I knew, a woman I'd had at my house for holidays and graduations, a woman I never would have suspected was that sort of woman.
Because I had been through that particular situation, it made me anxious to give Tessie Birkin a well-deserved happy ever after, but it also hurt a little to write, getting into her head, feeling her emotions. She'd been betrayed and I knew exactly what that felt like. Tapping into that emotion can be painful, but also a bit cathartic too. Still, it had to be done. Good people don't always get happy endings in real life, but as an author of fiction, I can certainly make sure that good characters get the ending they deserve. (Bad ones too for that matter, though that's cathartic in a different way.)
Have you ever REALLY identified with a character in a book?