It’s my day to blog again?!? How did that happen?
In all seriousness, I knew my blog day was coming up. I even prepared for it. Well, kind of.

And things did happen. Like one day we got caught in a rainstorm in an open air jeep in St. Thomas, driving on the left on mountainous roads but were unable to stop because the lead jeep (driven by the tour guide) didn’t stop and we had no idea where we were going. Then the next day we had an amazing time in St. Maarten aboard the Lord Sheffield brigantine – complete with awesome drinks, good food and incredible snorkeling where I saw an actual octopus in the wild!!
But then I thought about it and decided that no one else really cares about my vacation. Even with pictures – blah! It’s like hearing about someone else’s dream – unless you have a starring role…Who cares?

But who wants to read a blog about crying babies or the parents who did NOTHING – and I mean NOTHING – to soothe their children? No one wants to read that blog. That’s just painful. Trust me.
So I kept thinking. I just finished my Christmas anthology short story, that I LOVE – but I blogged about that last month. I’ve been critiquing and beta reading chapters and manuscripts for my lovely critique partners – but only they care about my opinion on those matters.
So I thought some more. My son started 8th Grade yesterday (I flew to Florida after I dropped him at school). His last year of Middle School – it was Jr. High when I was his age, but his face turns red and his head spins around when I call it that. And that got me to thinking about how things have changed since I was his age. Who would have ever thought the 80s were quaint when they were happening? Probably everyone feels that way about their childhood. Who knows what the future holds…I mean how will this day and age of technology and “stranger danger” ever seem quaint to our children? I’m not sure, but I’m equally sure they’ll look back on these days and think things were old-fashioned.
But I didn’t think that topic would make a good blog post either. I'd just end up sounding like my grandmother. "Back in my day..." And I'm too young to sound like my grandmother. Next!
Hmm. Let’s see… Well, in North Carolina I felt the DC earthquake in my office this week. And tomorrow we’re expecting a hurricane. How often do you get an earthquake AND a hurricane in the same week?
But natural disaster blogs are so passé.
So here it is, almost midnight. My blog is due in less than half an hour and I’ve got…Nothing. Well, I guess I technically have a 600+ word rambling about nothing that doubles as a blog. Kind of like Seinfeld was a show about nothing.
So without further ado… My blog about nothing in honor of Jerry Seinfeld’s old, quaint sitcom.
What did you all do this week?
*Originally posted at LadyScribes August 28, 2011